
Exercise is deliberate movement that improves your health. Training is exercise directed towards a goal.

Exercise if you are sedentary or need accommodation. Train for a better future if you are able.


There are no shortcuts.

Anyone who claims to have a perfect plan, a one-size-fits-all solution, or a quick fix for body composition and/or athletic performance is trying to sell you something. The best thing you can do is arm yourself with knowledge. Here are the basics:

Set Achievable Goals

The amount of time and attention you commit to training will limit your performance more than any other factor. Improving your training status in each outcome requires a logarithmic amount of effort. You must decide how much time you can devote to training and invest it strategically.

As a beginner, you won’t know what is realistic to achieve in a given period of time. Don’t worry about this. Your primary goals should be:

Personalize Your Training

Human physiology is complicated and varies widely from person to person. What works well for you may not be what works well for:

You are responsible for figuring out what works for you. A simple template is:

  1. Follow a training program for long enough to see results, 8–12 weeks should be enough
  2. Track your progress and how you’re feeling
  3. Make adjustments based on educated guesses
  4. Repeat

Training by Outcome

Each dimension of fitness has different training modalities.